ڪريڊو ۾ ڀليڪار ، اسان هڪ صنعتي واٽر پمپ ٺاهيندڙ آهيون.

سڀ درجا بندي

ڪمپني نيوز

ڪريڊو پمپ پاڻ کي مسلسل ترقي ڪرڻ لاءِ وقف ڪندو

عمودي ٽربائن پمپ اٽلي جي ڪسٽمر جي قبوليت منظور ڪيو ويو

زمرو:ڪمپني نيوز الاهي: اصل: اصل جاري ٿيڻ جو وقت: 2016-05-27
Hits: 8

In the morning of May 24, the first batch of products of Credo Pump exported to Italy passed the customer acceptance smoothly. The appearance design and manufacturing process of the عمودي turbine پمپ were fully affirmed and appreciated by Italian customers.


During a long-distance visit Hunan Credo pump Co., Ltd., Italian customers were particularly careful about the vertical turbine pump information. After the accompanying personnel introduced and explained the equipment and carried out one-to-one actual inspection, the customer was very satisfied with the product and expressed his gratitude to the staff for their hard work.

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